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As our State Representative, my priority will always be working families.
In 2021, I introduced over 20 bills focused on: Healthcare Expansion, COVID Relief, Labor Rights, Environmental Justice, Tax Reform,
Utility Protections, and Public Education.
Review these bills below.
House Bill #5151
Affordable Insulin
This bill would limit out-of-pocket expenses for a 30-day supply of Insulin at $25, regardless of the amount or type of insulin needed to fill the covered person's prescription.
House Bill #5442
Moratorium on Utility Shut-Offs
This bill would place a moratorium on the termination of utility services (gas, electric, water) throughout the duration of the State's COVID-19 Emergency Order and future public health emergencies.
House Bill #5628
Statewide Medicare-for-All Healthcare System
This bill would establish a Statewide Medicare-for-All healthcare program that would guarantee healthcare coverage to ALL Rhode Island residents. The program would be referred to as, the "Rhode Island Comprehensive Health Insurance Program (RICHIP)".
Under this program, co-payments and expensive deductibles would all be eliminated. This means that all Rhode Islanders would be able to go their choice of doctor, pharmacy and/or hospital without paying extra fees.
House Bill #5714
Healthcare Coverage for All Children
This bill would expand the Rite Track program (our state's Medicaid program for children) to provide healthcare coverage to ALL Rhode Island children up to age 19, regardless of their socioeconomic or immigration status.
The expansion of the program would be funded with the use of Federal and State Funds.
House Bill #5218
Hazard Pay for All Essential Workers in Large Businesses
This bill would require employers to pay "Hazard Pay" to employees involved in providing essential services during a declared public health emergency (e.g., COVID-19). Hazard pay would be a rate of one and one-third (1â…“) times an employee's regular pay.
Employers would also be prohibited from taking adverse employment action or retaliating against an employee who refuses to work during a public health emergency.
House Bill #5855
Whistleblower Protection
for All
​This bill would prohibit an employer from reporting or threatening to report an employee's immigration status because the employee engaged in whistleblowing or protected conduct.
This bill would also expand employee whistleblower protection to job applicants and prospective employees to protect them from workplace violations and/or misconduct.
House Bill #6208
Cost Free COVID-19 Healthcare Treatment
This bill would prohibit health insurance carriers from charging out-of-pocket expenses or co-payments for treatment related to the COVID-19 virus. In addition, COVID-19 testing and vaccination would always be free.
House Bill #5146
Affordable Specialty Medication
This bill would requires all health insurance providers to limit a person’s out-of-pocket costs for specialty medication at $100 for a 30-day supply.
House Bill #5674
Green Justice Zones
This bill would establish the first green justice zone in Providence. This model would ensure that all communities throughout the state have clean air and clean water.
House Bill #5673
The Right to Interconnection
for Renewable Energy Planning
This bill would transfer the planning and administration of the interconnection of renewable energy to the electric distribution system from the electric distribution companies (National Grid) to the Infrastructure Bank (a government entity).
House Bill #5837
College Credits for Multilingual Students
This bill would allow high school students who receive the State Silver or Gold Seal of
Biliteracy to earn world language college coursework credit at each state public university and/or public community college if requested within three (3) academic years after graduating high school.
House Bill #5838
Multilingual Concurrent Enrollment Courses
This bill would establish concurrent enrollment courses for multilingual students, allowing them to earn college credits at a state university while working towards their high school diploma.
House Bill #5647
Surtax on Large Corporations with High Wage Gaps between Executives and Workers
This bill would establish a 10% Surtax on publicly traded corporations, if the ratio of compensation for its CEO to median worker is equal to or greater than 100 to 1.
House Bill #5808
A Tax on Expensive Private Academic Tuition
This bill would authorize cities and towns to tax expensive private academic tuition. For private colleges and universities, taxes would be imposed on every net tuition dollar exceeding $25,000. For private K-12 institutions, taxes would be imposed for every net tuition dollar exceeding $13,000.
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